Klapec Express, Inc began operation in 2005, created by brothers Christopher and Nicholas Klapec. Chris and Nick have been around trucks and equipment since early childhood, washing trucks and riding with their father. Chris and Nick both graduated from Penn State College of Technology. Chris with a degree in Civil Engineering and Surveying and Nick with a degree in Heavy Construction Equipment Maintenance Management & Business.
In 2005 they started their company wearing many hats such as driver, mechanic, clerical, as well all of the other jobs that needed to be done in the business. Within the first three years they bought out another company increasing their fleet to eight trucks. They have been expanding their fleet ever since!
Klapec Express, Inc currently employs two full-time dispatchers, one full-time office cleric, and two full-time mechanics.
Chris and Nick are always investing in their company by purchasing new trucks and trailers and updating their existing equipment. In 2016 they purchased additional property at their location at 673 North Seneca Street in Oil City, PA. This has provided ample parking for the fleet and is equipped with truck plugs, fence and lot lighting for driver ease and safety.
In 2018, Chris and Nick invested in an 80′ x 80′ steel building addition to the existing shop. This adds to the ease and efficiency of maintaining their fleet. Chris and Nick take pride in having a safe and well maintained fleet!